3 useful websites for Arabic student

Asssalamualaikum and Hi !
Are you doing great ?

As you know, I am majoring in Arabic language. So, today I am going to share some websites and apps which I use a lot in my study. In my opinion, these websites and apps really helps a lot in studying arabic language. So, if you are an arabic language student, this post is written specially for you ;)
  1. quran.com

This is how the website looks like. There, you can just search the surah you want or you can also type the word you want. Then, it will shows you the list of the verses with that word.  
This website also provide you the translation and also tafsirs. Not to forget, you can choose which tafsir you want. 
The best part for me is we can copy the verse easily without any mistake, so it helps a lot when it comes to an assignment which required you to put the verses from al-Quran. Just copy and paste :)

Through this website, you can improve your Arabic language skills a lot. As an example, you can watch the video according to your language level, and there is the text under the video which can helps you to easily understand the video. There is also vocabulary list for the videos. 

Undeniably, there is a lot of educational youtube channel and Madrasa is one of them. There, you can enhance your knowledge in Arabic language by watching their videos. For me, it is really helpful and full of information. The videos are also really easy to understand.

That's all for this post, I hope it will give you some benefits, InsyaAllah. If you have any question, don't hesitate to just drop your questions in the comment section ;) Hope to see you again in my next post.😊
Thank you for reading ❤


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