CMCO in campus


Assalamualaikum readers,

I hope everyone is doing great in whatever we do.

I have been in my campus about 1 month and half, since 30 september, so I would like to share about my life here and what i feel.

Since this is my first semester in my degree life, and of course it is started with online class due to the pandemic Covid-19, honestly i felt quite stress sometimes to just be in my room, in front of my laptop having online classes. 

my study table
So, what did I do to calm myself ? 

First thing first, what i do every time after having my class is just looking at the view through my window. For me, looking at those green trees and the sky helps me a lot to relax my mind for a while. Of course, i'm not only looking at those green trees and blue sky, but at the same time I keep trying to be positive by telling myself that I can go though these. Also not to forget, always ask Allah to ease everything I do :)

But, besides those stressful time, Alhamdulillah I am really grateful that I have my family supporting even me from far. I also have my supportive friends here with me through thick and thin. Not to forget, my beautiful IIUM with great facilities. I'm glad that IIUM is big enough so that my friends and I can have our evening walk around this campus to at least release our stress enjoying fresh air and beautiful scenery. 

compilation of the photos of IIUM

Thanks for reading


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